By Angela L. Pagán, the

The candy landscape might look a little different as we head into 2024. Agricultural setbacks have made chocolate production extremely difficult, which has caused prices to increase to a point where candy makers may need to move away from the crop if they want to keep profits strong.

Even as the effects of grocery inflation start to cool, there are some commodities whose prices remain high for other reasons. During the pandemic, chocolate prices did increase, as the price of other staples did too. But people didn’t have as much of a problem paying those increased prices on chocolate because, well, let’s face it, we all needed some comfort at that time, and chocolate has long been known as a small and convenient indulgence.

As explained by Reuters, Ivory Coast and Ghana are two adjacent countries in West Africa that produce around two-thirds of the world’s entire supply of cocoa. Unfortunately, West Africa has experienced such heavy rainfall that cocoa yields are at the lowest they’ve been in decades, reports Bloomberg.

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