These announcements below appeared in the print editions of Friday’s Kelowna Courier and Penticton Herald, but not on their websites. The Courier is dropping from 5 days a week to 2 and the Herald from 5 days a week to 3. Two Unifor 2000 members were laid off.
Daily Courier’s distribution changing
Starting Nov. 6, distribution for the Kelowna Courier will change to two days a week: Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Owners of the Courier said that after careful consideration and thorough evaluation of distribution expenses the decision was deemed necessary to align operations with financial realities.
Subscription rates will remain the same and it is hoped this will help align expenses with revenue, ensuring the sustainability of operations.
Readers can look forward to much larger editions as puzzles, features and columns will still be included. In essence readers will still be receiving the same content and number of pages each week, in fact, even more, but delivered over two days instead of five.
The Courier appreciates the support of subscribers, readers, advertisers, carriers and drivers and looks forward to continuing to be the newspaper of record for Kelowna.
The Courier’s office hours will be:
Monday: 9 a.m.-1p.m.
Wednesday: 9 a.m.-1p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.-noon
Herald’s distribution changing
Starting Nov. 6 distribution for the Herald will change to three days a week: Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Owners of the Herald said that after careful consideration and thorough evaluation of distribution expenses the decision was deemed necessary to align operations with financial realities.
Subscription rates will remain the same and it is hoped this will help align expenses with revenue, ensuring the sustainability of opera-tions. Readers can look forward to much larger editions on those three days as regular puzzles, features and columns will be included. In essence readers will still be receiving the same number of pages each week, in fact, even more, but delivered over three days instead of five.
The Herald appreciates the support of subscribers, readers, advertisers, carriers and drivers and looks forward to continuing to be the newspaper of record for Penticton.
The Herald’s office hours will remain the same:
Tuesday: 8 a.m.-noon
Thursday: 8 a.m.-noon
Friday: 8 a.m.-noon
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